Ductwork, Thermostat, Air handler, Furnace, Air conditioner

Why Choose VMP HOME for Your HVAC Needs?

Expertise and Experience: With +20 years of experience, we bring unparalleled expertise to the HVAC industry. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals dedicated to ...

Why Choose A Lennox Premier Dealer?

With all the household duties you attend to every day, the thought of dealing with your HVAC system can be overwhelming. You depend on hot and cold air to keep your home comforta ...

What is a Duct Smoke detector?

A duct smoke detector is a specialized fire detection device installed in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) ductwork systems. Its primary purp ...

What does hvac mean?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It refers to a system or technology used to provide heating and cooling, as well as indoor air quality and ventilation c ...

How does an HVAC system work?

An HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system is a complex network of components that work together to regulate temperature, humidity, air quali ...

What is difference between AC and HVAC?

The terms "AC" (Air Conditioning) and "HVAC" (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) are related but have distinct meanings: AC (Air Conditioning): AC refers specifica ...

What is Ductwork?

Ductwork refers to a system of ducts, channels, or pipes used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to distribute air throughout a building or ...

What are the benefits of having good ductwork?

Having good ductwork in your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system offers several benefits: Improved Energy Efficiency: Well-designed and properly sealed du ...

Types of ductwork

There are several types of ductwork used in HVAC systems, each with its own advantages and suitability for specific applications. The choice of ductwork mater ...

Where is ductwork located?

Ductwork can be located in various parts of a building, depending on the design and the specific requirements of the HVAC system. Here are common locations where ductwork is found: ...

Ductwork installation

Ductwork installation is a complex process that involves designing, fabricating, and installing a system of ducts to distribute conditioned air (heating, vent ...

What is thermostat in HVAC?

A thermostat is a crucial component of an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system that serves as a control device for regulating indoor tempe ...

Can I use any thermostat for my HVAC system?

Not all thermostats are compatible with all HVAC systems, so it's essential to choose a thermostat that is compatible with your specific HVAC system. HVAC sys ...

which houses do need Duct Smoke detector?

Duct smoke detectors are typically required in houses where there is a forced-air heating and cooling system with ductwork. These detectors are important safety devices that monito ...

Why have I received a warning tag for the gas line?

Warning tags are issued on any appliance or piping system that uses natural gas when a licensed gas technician has identified a hazardous issue. For example, if a defective heat ex ...

Best Temperature for Heater in Winter at Night

As a general rule, the recommended heater temperature at night is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. A thermostat setting of around 65 degrees is actually better for your health ...

Why Was My Appliance Red-Tagged?

Licensed certified gas technicians are legally obligated to red-tag any appliance they discover in a state deemed "unacceptable." They possess the authority ...

How To Keep Your Garage Cool This Summer: 11 Quick Tips

A scorching garage can dramatically increase your energy costs and make summer activities incredibly uncomfortable. You shouldn’t break a sweat on the way to your car in the ...

Can ductwork and a forced air system be retrofitted into a pre-existing house?

Yes, it's possible to add ductwork and a forced air system to a previously built house. However, the process can vary depending on the existing structure of the house, its ...

How to Save Money on Heating Costs in Winter

Install a Programmable Thermostat The ability to reduce the temperature automatically during times when you’re away or during the evenings to save energy can go a long way t ...

Types of warning tags for gas line

Type A: If a licensed technician has identified an immediate danger, for example, a severe carbon monoxide leak, a Type A red tag will be issued and your natural gas will be turned ...

What gas line services are typically included with an HVAC contractor?

New Piping Installation: Installation of new gas piping systems. Ensuring compliance with safety regulations and standards. Thorough testing for leaks and proper functiona ...

Hot Weather Doesn't Have To Mean An Uncomfortable Home

Summer is here, and it's only going to get hotter. But you don't have to suffer through the heat. With just a few home energy saving tips, you can keep the heat outside where it ...

What should I do if I receive a warning tag for the gas line?

Immediately call a licensed contractor like VMP HOME to inspect your equipment. Dealing with natural gas requires extreme care. In some cases, the equipment can be repaired but, in ...

5 Tips To Protect Your Indoor Air Quality From Wildfire Smoke During Wildfire Season

During wildfires, smoke and ash can travel at an alarming rate quickly affecting your indoor air quality and increasing immediate risks to your health and safety. With these help ...

what is underground gas lining?

Underground gas lining, also known as underground gas piping or underground gas lines, refers to the network of pipes installed underground to transport natural gas or propane from ...

What’s the Optimal Temperature Setting for My Furnace in Winter?

Both comfort and energy use are important factors for any home. Finding a wintertime balance between comfort and energy savings can be tricky. Because indoor comfort during winter ...